Wednesday, November 25, 2009

did jay z go to fae this time?

this is a youth pastor made a statement about jay z line in empire state of mind all you really need to watch is the 1st 3 mins after that dude rambles but let me know what you think

is 50 running on fumes?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My joint jus how im feeling

ok ill be honest im lazy so twitter is my minute by minute blog so i neglect this lol but all i wanted to say enjoy

The Dumbest lawsuit Ever! Drug Dealers on TV watch This

Why Not its Nicki Minaj???

ok so im on the bandwagon no im into nicki minaj visual supporter ill watch her videos on mute lol for the men who feel the same heres from me to u

what is hip hop turning into? D 12 dissing Em